Slide to unlock v3.05.19 APK Android

Slide to unlock v3.05.19 APK Android
Aplikasi Android - Sore hari ini kembali admin akan bagikan mengenai aplikasi android yang pastinya akan berguna untuk anda aplikasikan di android yang anda miliki. Aplikasi bernama Slide to unlock adalah aplikasi layar kunci untuk smart louncher. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengganti layar kunci perangkat Anda dengan layar membuka baru fungsional. 

To enable it follow these steps :
  • Open Smart Launcher → Preferences → Lockscreen, then select the new lockscreen and choose "select as lockscreen";
  • Now press the standby button 2 time, the new lockscreen should be active.
Features :
  • Customizable background;
  • Pin code
  • Quick camera/torch/dialer access;
  • Notifications on screen;
  • More features will be added in future (customizable shortcuts, torch, etc..)
What's in this version :
  • new feature: Wake up on new notification
  • new feature: Hardware volume key are now disabled
  • new feature: Support for auto rotate screen orientation
  • improvement: high quality icons for the notifications
  • improvement: full compatible with Android 5.1 
Slide to unlock v3.05.19 APK Android
Slide to unlock v3.05.19 APK AndroidSlide to unlock v3.05.19 APK Android
File Size : 2.31 MB


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